
Sweep for CSRD

CSRD compliance made simple

Illustration of a factory

Meet Sweep for CSRD

We help you comply with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

The CSRD in a nutshell

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a regulatory framework aimed at enhancing sustainability reporting requirements for companies operating within the European Union. Building on the existing Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) and in line with the European Green Deal, EU Taxonomy and the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SRDR), the CSRD aims to address limitations and gaps in current reporting practices.

Through the CSRD, the European Commission seeks to promote transparency, increase investment in sustainable projects, and drive the transition towards a more sustainable and resilient economy.


A handy summary of CSRD FAQs including details on double materiality.

Read it here

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Preparing for the CSRD

Guidance on how to get your climate and ESG strategy ready for CSRD compliance.

Read it here.

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Other standards

Sweep can also help with Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) compliance and a range of other standards.

Find out more.

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Does the CSRD apply to you?

EU Companies

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) applies to a broad range of companies falling under the jurisdiction of EU law. It encompasses large companies that are either governed by EU law, listed on EU regulated markets, or established in an EU member state. 

Non EU Companies

It also extends its coverage to non European companies that have operations or securities within Europe. In addition to these criteria, companies must meet at least two of the following thresholds: €40 million in net turnover, €20 million in total assets, or have a workforce of 250 or more employees. 

Sweep is your one-stop-shop for ensuring CSRD compliance

Accelerate your compliance

Sweep app: Compliance status

Ensure full compliance with CSRD in a matter of weeks.

Save valuable time

Sweep app: Performance measurements

Significantly reduce audit preparation time with automated controls and easy access to supporting documentation.

Stay ahead of the curve

Sweep app: progress status

Effortlessly demonstrate compliance with CSRD and communicate this to your customers, partners and investors.

Track progress in real-time

Sweep app: Improve data action

Get a live overview of your CSRD compliance progress and make sure you're 100% compliant with the mandatory and material indicators.

Mitigate compliance risks

Sweep app: Carbon intensity charts

Leverage CSRD indicators to proactively manage ESG risks and safeguard against non-compliance.

Get on-track

Sweep has everything you need to be on-track with your ESG performance – as well as a robust platform to support you on your decarbonization journey. See all features on our Platform page.

All features

CSRD Compliance expertise at your fingertips

  • 👍 Ease of use

    Map material and mandatory indicators, and automate data collection for your company scope and value chain.

  • 🕵️‍♀️ Turnkey reporting

    Easily generate your CSRD report and export it in the mandatory format for electronic submission.

  • 🔒 Data security

    We’re SOC2 compliant and ISO 27001 certified. Learn more about security

  • 🎒 Education

    Access our Sweep School to improve your internal staff and stakeholders’ understanding of CSRD compliance

  • 🔎 Transparency

    Track your compliance progress and get ready for assurance with audit trails and supporting documents.

  • Materials

    Explore our materials to learn more about CSRD

    Eu parliamentary
    What is the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)?
    Lost in regulation? A carbon reporting requirement overview

    Under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, companies are obligated to provide more comprehensive and standardized reporting on their progress towards sustainability targets. This includes more detailed reporting requirements related to environmental, social, and governance factors. 

    Environmental – Companies must report on their environmental impact, including their greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, and biodiversity. 

    Social – They also need to disclose sustainability data on social matters including human rights, labor practices, and diversity initiatives (including diversity on company boards). 

    Governance – Factors like anti-corruption policies, board composition, and executive compensation must also be disclosed using verifiable non financial data. 

    Note that the CSRD will have to be reported on in the management report – instead of a separate sustainability report. It should be submitted in a standardized digital format to allow for easier checking against the European single access point database.

    Read more here.

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    Companies subject to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) must conduct a double materiality analysis, which considers both the financial materiality and the sustainability materiality of their activities. The concept recognizes that sustainability risks (i.e. those arising from climate change and other sustainability issues) can have significant impacts on a company's financial performance and its ability to create long-term value. 

    Under the CSRD, companies are obligated to disclose information on their sustainability performance and risks, taking into account the potential financial consequences and the broader societal and environmental implications of their operations. By incorporating double materiality, the CSRD aims to encourage businesses to recognize the interconnectedness between financial and non-financial data across their entire value chain, fostering more comprehensive and transparent reporting practices that support green investment and stakeholder engagement. Note that the CSRD that it also requires an external audit of reported information. 

    Complying with the CSRD offers several business benefits for companies. 


    The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive allows companies to build trust and credibility among stakeholders, including investors, customers, civil society organizations and regulators. By providing comprehensive and standardized financial and sustainability information, reporting companies can effectively communicate their commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, allowing more informed decision making regarding sustainable investments.

    Risk management

    Complying with the CSRD helps companies identify and manage the risks and opportunities arising from sustainability issues more effectively, leading to improved operational efficiency and long-term sustainability. 


    It also enables companies to align their business model and strategy with sustainable development goals, driving innovation and fostering resilience in the face of climate change and a rapidly changing business landscape. 

    Boosted reputation

    Additionally, by complying with the CSRD, companies can demonstrate their commitment to environmentally sustainable economic activities. In doing so, they will enhance their reputation, attract and retain top talent, and strengthen relationships with external stakeholders, fostering long-term business success.

    By following these steps, organizations can proactively prepare to comply with the CSRD:

    1. Assess current practices: Take time to fully understand the disclosure requirements. Then evaluate your existing sustainability reporting practices and identify any gaps or areas that need improvement to align with CSRD requirements. 

    2. Enhance data collection and management: Establish robust data collection processes to capture relevant sustainability information. Note that you should take into account your entire value chain. Sweep can help.

    3. Define reporting boundaries and methodologies: Determine the scope and reporting requirements, including which entities, operations, and activities are covered. Develop appropriate methodologies for measuring and calculating sustainability indicators and consider adopting recognized reporting frameworks, such as GRI or TCFD.

    4. Strengthen internal collaboration: Foster cross-functional collaboration between departments responsible for sustainability, finance, HR, and operations. Establish clear communication channels to ensure the availability and accuracy of data for reporting purposes.

    5. Implement sustainability reporting: Use Sweep to regularly report on progress towards achieving full compliance against key performance indicators to investors, customers and all other stakeholders. Note that you should publish detailed and transparent information in a dedicated section of your company's annual management report.

    Businesses already subject to the Non Financial Reporting Directive (including public interest entities) will have to start reporting on the 2024 financial year in their annual report. 

    Large companies not currently subject to the Non Financial Reporting Directive will have to start reporting on the 2025 financial year. 

    SMEs, small and non-complex credit institutions and captive insurance undertakings will have to start reporting for the 2026 financial year.

    Illustration of a bridge in construction
    Illustration of a bridge in construction

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