
Library. Carbon as a creative force for sustainable growth.

Nearly 50,000 companies fall within the scope of the CSRD. Here's what you need to know.

  • Climate Essentials

    What is the TNFD?

    What is the TNFD?
  • Astanor Ventures explains how Sweep is helping track, act and report on their financed emissions
  • Replay: How can you prepare for the EU's SFDR regulations?
  • Replay: How can you prepare for the EU's CSRD regulations?
  • Materiality Assessments – what they are and how to conduct them
  • Suppliers' carbon footprint: how can we work together?
  • Climate Essentials

    What is double materiality?

    What is double materiality?
  • Climate Essentials

    FAQs about CSRD Compliance

    FAQs about CSRD Compliance
  • ESGFinance
    ESG white paper sweep

Track, report and act

Sweep helps you get your carbon on-track

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