Prose accelerates its climate journey by involving its employees with Sweep

Prose makes personalized sustainable beauty products
214 employees
Beauty tech
New York City, USA
Last updated
June 14, 2024


Prose is a beauty brand that builds sustainable, ethical, and personalized cosmetic products. They’ve been tracking and reducing their direct (scope 1 and 2) and indirect emissions (scope 3 – from across their value chain) since 2018, and are a certified B Corporation and Public Benefit Corporation.

“Sweep has gathered a seasoned team of experts from tech and sustainability to support and accelerate businesses on a path to reducing their impact. Prose’s partnership with Sweep is a powerful example of how Certified B Corporations can work together to carve a specific path towards circularity,” says Helen Nwosu, VP of social impact at Prose.

“Sweep helps us advance our sustainability commitments, continue to track our progress, and forge a new path for the beauty industry when it comes to sustainability measures.”

Helen Nwosu
VP of Social Impact at Prose


Companies have traditionally relied on consulting firms to measure their emissions. But because they aren’t fully involved in the data analysis, they might not understand how their carbon footprint was calculated – or how to take action on it. They also get a static image of their footprint that’s often updated once a year, which prevents them from adapting their reduction efforts according to real-time changes in emission data.

The limitations of carbon management on excel sheets are even more apparent when you want to get a precise carbon footprint for each of your products. This means looking at the emissions at every stage of a product’s life-cycle, from material sourcing to product disposal after consumer use. That’s why Prose was looking for a solution to involve employees working on various product stages and use the data to develop low-carbon alternatives.

“Prose is dedicated to a sustainable future where meaningful collaborations between innovators and changemakers affect industry-wide change. Making our measurement tools internal is critical for transparency, as it empowers teams to incorporate sustainability into our core business,” says Helen Nwosu, VP of social impact at Prose.

“Making our measurement tools internal is critical for transparency, as it empowers teams to incorporate sustainability into our core business [and build] meaningful collaborations between innovators and changemakers.”

Helen Nwosu
VP of Social Impact at Prose


Carbon management software helps companies take ownership of their climate journey and have a dynamic and granular view of their carbon footprint and reduction efforts. With Sweep, Prose can:

  • Connect existing carbon data to newly-added information in a single platform, accessible to anyone in the company.
  • Involve employees in the data collection and platform training to get full autonomy over emission management after a year.
  • Measure and identify how the footprint of each product contributes to its overall emissions – to find low-carbon alternatives.

“As a company built on personal care, we also have a mandate to care for the planet. Our goal is to give back more than we take – to make a positive impact on our customers, our suppliers, and the Earth itself. This is why we made the strategic decision to partner with Sweep; to help us advance our sustainability commitments, continue to track our progress, forge a new path for the beauty industry when it comes to sustainability measures,” says Helen Nwosu, VP of social impact at Prose.

Ready to get your carbon on-track?