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Sweep for HP Amplify Impact

Welcome to Sweep, the HP-recommended platform for Amplify Impact Partners to establish your carbon footprint analysis, set science-based reduction targets, and implement an action plan as part of the 'Business Carbon Footprint & Action Plan' Initiative.

Here you can learn more about how to use Sweep to meet your climate goals, and how to get started. Thanks so much for investing in creating a better business, and a better future.


Rachel and Raphael, Sweep co-founders

What is a carbon footprint?

A carbon footprint establishes the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted by the activities of your organization’s business activity. As global warming accelerates and the pressure rises on companies to help reduce emissions, this is becoming a key tool for you to run a sustainable and successful business.

Benefits of understanding your carbon footprint

  • By pinpointing your emissions sources, you can identify opportunities for cost savings while simultaneously reducing your ecological footprint.
  • Additionally, as legislative bodies worldwide move towards mandatory carbon emissions reporting, staying ahead of regulatory requirements is both needed and strategic.

HP Amplify Impact Partnership with Sweep

HP Amplify Impact

By partnering with Sweep, as an HP Amplify Impact partner, you can not only meet your sustainability objectives but also contribute to a greener, more resilient future. Join us in building a better business and a better world—one footprint at a time.

Sweep is available for all HP Amplify Impact partners as an initiative in the ‘Amplify Impact Hub’ in the Climate Action (Planet) Pillar.

The minimum requirements to complete the initiative are:

  1. Full Scope 1 & 2 carbon footprint analysis for your baseline and last full year reported
  2. Reduction target aligned with current SBTi criteria
  3. Reduction strategy & Action Plan with min 3 initiatives
  4. Proof of Execution submitted for each initiative completed

Full Scope 1 & 2 carbon footprint analysis: Sweep streamlines the process of conducting a carbon footprint analysis. Our platform allows you to track your business activities and quantify the associated GHG emissions.

Reduction target aligned with current SBTi criteria: Sweep empowers you to set reduction targets aligned with SBTi guidelines. Our interface makes it easy to develop and implement tailored reduction initiatives, whether custom or ‘off the shelf’, depending on your subscription.

Reduction strategy & Action Plan with min 3 initiatives: Implement reduction initiatives and track your progress towards your reduction targets.

Once you’ve completed your carbon footprint, set your targets, and started implementing your reduction initiatives you can export your company’s GHG protocol report, and, with our support, build your reduction strategy summary, which you can then submit via the HP Partner Portal as proof of execution.

Hear directly from HP partners how Sweep helped them:


Why do it with Sweep?

Sweep delivers a powerful yet flexible platform that is fully adapted to your requirements and your maturity on sustainability. Whether you are a small business wanting to build a simple first footprint or a large multinational with a complex organizational structure and


  •       Recognized as Carbon Management Software Leaders by Verdantix, a leading ESG analyst and consultancy firm
  •       Sweep provides a platform suitable for companies of all sizes and levels of maturity, from SMEs to large, multinational corporations
  •       Used by over 30 HP Partners during the last 3 years. Partners Testimonials
  •       Exclusive discounts available for HP Amplify Impact Partners

Solutions provided by Sweep 

Sweep offers two subscription plans that reach different levels of functionality depending on your requirements and the resources you can commit to this project.

Plan comparison

Organize Measure Act Analyze
SME Plan N/A Calculate your footprint through pre-built surveys. Collaborate with colleagues. Single SBTi-aligned target,  select initiatives from our initiative library Leverage template  dashboards and reports.
Corporate Plan Map your organization, Manage user access. All data collection methods: Surveys, Files, APIs, Create custom surveys, Emission Factor selection, etc. Build your own custom targets, scenarios and initiatives.  Access simulations. Build custom dashboards and reports across carbon and ESG, for multiple standards.

Sweep Subscription plans

SME Plan Corporate plan
Description For companies starting their climate journey and looking for an indicative footprint leveraging benchmark data and questionnaires. For larger, more advanced organizations looking to run their entire ESG program through a platform.
Audience Designed for Small to Medium sized enterprises to simplify data collection and reporting. Larger organizations that need to manage all of their extra financial data to meet reporting obligations (i.e., CSRD) or achieve sustainability accreditations.
  • Accurate results in a few clicks using templates
  • SBTi aligned reduction targets and action plan.
  • Scalable & adapted to the user’s level of maturity.
  • Ability to handle complex datasets realizing a comprehensive carbon footprint.
  • Engage your value chain for accurate, auditable data.
  • Access emission factor databases and report against multiple standards: GHG Protocol, CSRD, and others.
Original pricing €4,200/year or $4500/year Receive a 30% discount on list price and Get in touch
Pricing HP Amplify Partner €2,500/year or $2,700/year

How do you get started?

Send an email to hp@sweep.net to register your interest or engage via your HP PBM or local Amplify Impact Champion. We’ll be able to support you from there.


How long does it take to implement the Sweep carbon footprint and action plan?

The Sweep SME plan is designed to simplify data collection and reporting and most customers can get an actionable report after one week of using Sweep.

For larger companies using Sweep’s pro plan, you should anticipate a project of a few months. Much will depend on the size of your company, what data you have readily available, and how much can be automated with your existing systems.

Who on my team should be in charge of this?

You decide. Some companies have dedicated staff for carbon management, while in others the CSR department is in charge, or it falls under finance (where they already do financial accounting and have a lot of the numbers already to hand). In the end, what’s most important is that whoever manages it has the bandwidth and the access to the right people and systems to gather the necessary data.

What kind of data do I need to create a carbon footprint?

Sweep will ask you for a wide range of business data, including information from your operations (boilers, trucks, chemical reactions, waste, air conditioning, fridges etc.) and your energy consumption (electricity, heating, etc.). The table below gives you a snapshot of what data is needed for a state of the art footprint.

Scope 1

  • Fuel combustion in fixed sources (e.g boilers)
  • Fuel combustion in mobile sources (e.g. trucks)
  • Emissions from industrial processes (e.g. chemical reaction, waste management)
  • Refrigerant fluid leakage (e.g. air conditioning, fridges)
  • Direct land use change due to your organization’s activities (e.g. arable land converted to parking)

Scope 2

  • Energy consumed (e.g. coal, solar, renewable)

Scope 3 (optional)

  • Distance covered by staff (e.g. commuting, business travel)
  • Weight & distance covered by goods procured
  • Quantity of raw material & parts procured by your organization

How secure is my information?

Sweep is built with the security requirements of enterprise companies in mind. From single-sign on to state of the art security, you’re in control of who accesses your data and who you share it with. You can read more about our privacy policy here.

Can I automate data collection?

Sweep is all about making data collection easy, whether it’s entering it manually or adding it automatically. With Sweep’s Pro Plan your developers can connect Sweep to your systems with our powerful suite of APIs. And we’re constantly adding new integrations, like our cloud connector, that allows you to calculate emission from your cloud services like AWS or Azure automatically.

What if I don’t have access to a specific data point?

In short: Get all the data you can, but don’t worry if some is missing at the start. The tool can help you create estimates for business activity where you have little or inaccurate data. However, the more granular your information, the easier it will be to reduce your footprint, because Sweep will help you identify exactly where most emissions come from, and can help understand how to reduce them.

How do I start my carbon footprint from scratch on Sweep?

You don’t know exactly where to start? Sweep’s SME plan is here to help you build a first footprint from scratch. Once you have created your account, you will have access to a pre-built survey. With your answers, Sweep will then automatically generate a first footprint that accounts for your direct emissions.

Can I integrate an existing carbon footprint in Sweep?

Yes. With Sweep’s Pro Plan you can easily integrate that in Sweep to analyze your progression towards your targets over time.

You can either integrate your existing footprint manually or by importing a file with your activity data. You will find all the guidance needed in our documentation. You can also contact our carbon team for a demo or some support.

I’m a large enterprise customer with distributed teams and complex data systems, can you still help me?

Yes! Sweep is particularly powerful for larger organizations, who can benefit from powerful data automation, a host of enterprise features (such as permission workflows, audit trails, re-statements), and additional support resources from our teams. Get in touch via hp@sweep.net and we can talk you through how we can help.

I’m a large enterprise customer with different needs, will I pay the same amount and have access to the same features?

HP partners benefit from a 30% discount on Sweep’s list price subscriptions. Sweep offers a SME plan for HP Amplify Impact partners. For larger companies that might need more seats, require more complex data automation, or need custom emission factors, our team can create a bespoke proposal to make sure you get the most out of your climate programme.

What languages is Sweep available in?

Right now, Sweep’s Pro Plan is available in English, French, German & Spanish.  Sweep’s SME plan is only available in English but we’ll be adding more languages soon.

How do I pay for Sweep?

Most clients pay by wire transfer. Get in touch if you need to discuss other options.

Will I need to install software?

Sweep’s software platform lives in the cloud so all you need is an internet connection and a modern browser (such as Chrome, Safari or Edge). No installations or plugins required. Just sign up and get started right away.

More questions?

Drop us a note at hp@sweep.net. We’re here to help.