"Sustainability in Action": we surveyed 500+ sustainability leaders around their ESG data strategies and priorities

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Introducing Sweep Starter Package: Your carbon journey starts here

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Sweep listed by Verdantix among highest-scoring ESG & Sustainability reporting solutions

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Meet Sweep at GreenBiz 25

Our team of experts will be in Phoenix AZ running product demos and networking with ESG business leaders tackling sustainability challenges with data.
Get in touch

Where can you can find us

Sweep’s Greenbiz Talk

Session Title: “Getting Up To Speed on CSRD” with Rachel Delacour, Sweep CEO

Sweep x Arcadia Dinner: Invite Only

Exclusive event for sustainability practitioners taking data-driven insights and putting them into action. Organised in partnership with Arcadia, our trusted partner.

Meet us at Booth 303

Our team at GreenBiz 25

From carbon footprints, avoided emissions, double materiality and the CSRD, our team is ready to talk about every challenge businesses encounter while managing sustainability data. Sweep can help.

Rachel Delacour
CEO and Cofounder
Freddie House
SVP Global Revenue
Jérôme Blum
Partnerships Director
Alison Gammie
Senior Platform and Sustainability Expert
Sweep's logo
Ben Metters
Ben Metters
Account Executive

Book a meeting today

Schedule a meeting with our team to learn more about Sweep’s sustainability data management platform.  See you at Greenbiz, or online.

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What does the EU’s CSRD mean for US businesses?

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